Friday, June 24, 2016

children shouldn't get paid

I strongly believe that children shouldn’t get paid to come to school.
My reasons are that children would just come to school for money, sneak out of school and spend the money, as well our school would run out of money.

Reason #1
Just come to school for money
  • Greedy and rude
  • Could cause children to bully other children - give me your money which they will use in a bad way
  • Nothing to look forward to when you are an adult
I strongly believe that children shouldn’t get paid for coming to school because they would just come to school for money and they would become greedy and rude.  
And they would have nothing to look forward to when they become older.

Reason #2
Sneak off to the dairy during school time and they won’t learn to save
  • Children might spend money on expensive items and then they might lose the item or it might get stolen.
Secondly, children will sneak out of school and go to the dairy and pretend to go to the toilet instead and they might spend their money and the item might get stolen or they might lose it too and they won’t know how to save.

Reason #3
School runs out of money
  • teachers won’t get paid
  • No bike track etc
  • Where is the money going to come from?

Thirdly, where is the money going come from, and who is gonna give it to us?   And there is gonna be no bike track and the teachers won’t get paid for teaching us all the stuff that we are supposed to know for when we are older.

Those were my main reasons to support my argument of why children shouldn’t get paid.

Learning should be enough reward

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